Breeding Sheep


We have mostly registered Katahdin ewes with a few commercial ewes. All Katahdin rams are registered, full blood. With careful genetic selection, this flock is prosperous and hardy, requiring low input. Our Katahdins are raised in a contemporary farm setting, on pasture and hay in the winter months. The ewes only require grain during late gestation and while nursing lambs. Katahdins possess excellent mothering skills, lambing twins and triplets unassisted most often and raising them without help. They are heavy milk producers so feeding multiples is no problem. We have lamb 2-3 times per year.

We are proud to be members of the Katahdin Hair Sheep International, National Sheep Improvement Program, Pennsylvania Sheep & Wool Growers Association and The Eastern Alliance for Production Katahdins. These are excellent organizations and we value their great resources for raising our sheep. See our resource page for more information.

Parasite resistance is very important to us. We rarely deworm our Katahdin sheep and only when FAMACHA score, body condition and/or fecal exam indicate a need. We test annually for CL, OPP and Johne’s diseases. Our flock is free of hoof issues such as foot rot. All breeding lambs are individually tested for scrapie codon. In 2020, we added Genomic DNA testing through NSIP for the Katahdin flock and now are testing all rams and some ewes/ewe lambs for more accurate EBV’s.


*Interesting facts about the Katahdin breed:

  • No shearing! Katahdins are a hair breed which means they shed their winter hair coat and do not have wool or fleece that needs shearing.
  • No docking of tails.
  • Katahdins rarely need hoof trimming.
  • Natural parasite resistance - so less deworming, less cost, less time, healthy sheep


  • “Bronson” 02/23/2020

    NSIP #6401562020ELR066
    Ewe Lamb Right Farm

  • “AMOS” 10/21/2020

    NSIP #6400612020USD194
    USDA-Agricultural Research Center

  • “Zeppelin” 03/17/2022

    NSIP #6402112022RH1138
    Round House Farm

~Rams For Sale~

  • Amos

    Amos USD20194
    Birthdate: 10/21/2020 Birth Type: S
    Scrapie Codon RR
    50K Genotyped
    NSIP Link:

  • BSP24019
    Birthdate: 02/15/2024 Birth Type: TW
    Scrapie Codon: RR
    NSIP Link:

  • BSP24035
    Birthdate: 02/19/2024 Birth Type: TR
    Scrapie Codon: RR
    NSIP Link:

  • BSP24047
    Birthdate: 02/22/2024 Birth Type: S
    Scrapie Codon QR
    50K Genotyped
    NSIP Link: 

  • BSP24074
    Birth Date: 03/03/2024 Birth Type: TW
    Scrapie Codon: RR or QR
    NSIP Link:

~Ewes For Sale~

Please contact us to be placed on our waiting list for Katahdin ram and ewe lambs. We have some great genetics to offer so get on the waiting list and don’t miss out! We will have Katahdin ram and ewe lambs available from our NSIP flock, born various times during the year, maintained on pasture and minerals, with minimal grain. We provide KHSI registration and transfer with each purchase.

Contact us for more details.